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WhatsApp Message Recovery: two Fast Ways to Retrieve Deleted Messages Instantly!

WhatsApp Message Recovery: two Fast Ways to Retrieve Deleted Messages Instantly!

The world’s most popular instant messaging app WhatsApp We all use them. The company keeps bringing new features for the convenience of its users. But sometimes these features become difficult for us. One such feature is the Whatsapp Delete message feature. Many times it happens that we accidentally delete an important message. Here we are telling you about some such ways by which you can recover deleted messages. However, you have to keep in mind that if this message came after your backup, then it will not be recovered. How to recover deleted WhatsApp messages

1. Through local storage

This method only works for Android users, not iOS users.

First of all, open your file manager.

Go to the WhatsApp folder here, then click on Database.

This folder contains all the backup files of WhatsApp.

Press the file named msg store.db.crypt12 for a while and edit the name.

Keep the new name msgstore_backup.db.crypt12. This was done because it would not replace the new file.

Now name the latest backup file msg store.db.crypt12.

Now go to Google Drive and delete your WhatsApp backup.

Now reinstall WhatsApp after uninstalling.

When you start WhatsApp again, it will ask for backup from local storage.

After selecting the msg store.db.crypt12 file here, tap on Restore.

Now you will get your message.

2. via Google Drive or iCloud

This method can be used by both iPhone and Android users.

Reinstall WhatsApp from your smartphone after uninstalling it.

When you start WhatsApp again, it will ask for a backup from Google Drive or iCloud.

Restore the backup.

Your message will also come back with a full chat.

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